Prospectus and Admissions


Joining Our School

Once a child has been offered & has taken up a place at a our school, that place is secure until the child leaves. In the case of over-subscription, Norfolk County Council has a policy which allocates places within each school and organises parental appeals when parental preferences can not be met.

The Published admissions limit (PAL), for Marshland St James Primary & Nursery school is 15 per year group.

The capacity of our school is 120.


View Our Admissions Policy
  • Joining at the start of Reception & Years 1 to 6

    Parents wishing to apply for a place for their child in one of our Reception classes or in a class in Years One to Six, please visit the Cambridgeshire Local Authority’s School Admissions website.

    This includes a new school catchment search facility so that you can find out if you are living in our school’s catchment area (although you do not need to be in catchment to apply).

    You can also apply for a place online.

  • Joining the School During the School Year

    Reception and Years One to Six

    If you wish to join the school at a time other than the start of the school year, please visit this section of the Local Authority website.

    If you wish to apply for a place at our school on religious grounds then click here to download the appropriate guidance.

Over-subscription Criteria

A school is deemed full, and thus a pupil may be refused admission, if both:


a) the admissions limit for a particular year group has been reached &,

b) the overall capacity of the school has been reached or is expected to be reached during the pupils anticipated time in school.


If this situation exists, then each application for a place will be examined against the criteria below in the following order:


Children who have a statement of special educational needs that names the school will be admitted. Those children with a statement of special educational needs that does not name the school will be referred to Student Assessment to determine an appropriate place.


Thereafter, the criteria used to allocate places in the event of over-subscription are:

  1. Children in care, also known as Looked After Children
  2. Children living in the catchment area with a sibling at the school at time of admission
  3. Children living in catchment area
  4. Children living outside the catchment area who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission
  5. Children living outside the catchment area who have been unable to gain a place at their catchment school because of over-subscription
  6. Children living outside the catchment area, but the nearest school as measured by a straight line


In cases of equal merit in each of criteria, priority will go to children living nearest the school as measured by a straight line.


For further information about school admissions & the appeals procedure - please click on the link below to go to the Norfolk County Councils website.

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